The Desalination Site and Civil Works

Desware Contents | Sample Chapters

Site Selection

A. Sanver, Bechtel Power Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA

S.C. May, Bechtel Technology and Consulting, San Francisco CA, USA

Basic elements of site selection

Desalination plant site selection

Overall Site Layout

J . Andrianne, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Civil Engineering Dept, Belgium

Overall Layout of the site

Layout Design Guidelines

MSF Plant Layout

Klaus Wangnick, Wangnick Consulting GmbH, Germany

General condition for site Layout

Small MSF Desalination Plant

Medium and Large MSF Desalination Plants

Floating MSF Seawater Desalination Plants

Reverse Osmosis Plant Layout

John Potts, Hutcheon Engineers West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

General Considerations

Small RO Plants

Large RO Plants

Electrodialysis Plant Layout

J. Maoz, TAHAL Consulting Engineers Ltd., Israel

Criteria for selection of ED plant site

Equipment installed at ED plant sites

Structures for ED plant and equipment

Installation of ED plants on mobile units

Design Guidelines of Seawater Intake System

C.D. Hornburg, Water Consultants International, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Site Condition

Types of intake structures

Pump Basin

Problem associated with improper design or operation

Case studies

Disposal and Recirculation of Saline Water

Gerard A.L. Delvigne, WL/Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands

Definitions and Characterizations

Hydrodynamic Flow and Recirculation Modelling

Case Study

Water Intake by Wells and Infiltration Galleries

J. Schittekat, University of Leuven, KUL, Belgium

Well Hydraulics

Water Well Design

Infiltration Galleries

Cost Assessments of Water Intake

Effluent Discharge using Boreholes and Ponds

J. Schittekat, Belgium, University of Leuven, KUL Belgium

General Conditions

Injection Well

Pond or Infiltration Trench

Cost Assessments: Effluent Recharge by Wells

Seismic Design

J.D. Renard, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Avenue Ariane 7, Belgium


Determination of the Seismic

The Seismic design of Structures

Lifelines and Equipment

Other Consequences of earthquakes

Mechanical Vibration Insulation

J.D. Renard, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Avenue Ariane 7, Belgium

Origin and type of Vibrations

Vibration Analysis

The reduction of Vibrations

Wind Design

L.M. Marneffe, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Avenue Ariane 7,Belgium

Wind Speed to be considered on a Site

Wind Effects on a Structure

Rigid and Flexible Structures

Vortex Effects

Case of a Chimney

Scaled Models

Durability and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Desalination Plants

G. Matta, Dr Gabriel Matta and Associates, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Corrosion mechanism

Steps to improve durability

Additional Protection Systems

Repair of Deteriorated Concrete

Periodic Monitoring

Civil Engineering Desalination Plants

M. Gregoire, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Belgium

Site investigations


Time scheduling

Cost control

Quality Control

Link to Power Station

C. Sommariva, Ansaldo Energia S.p.A.,Piazza Monumento 12, 20025 Legnano, Italy

Basic considerations

Process Affecting Parameters

Process Patterns Applicable

Typical Arrangement

Cost and Maintenance Aspects