Environmental and Health Aspects of Water Treatment Technologies

Desware Contents | Sample Chapters

Aquaculture Water Reuse and Health

Shosaku Kashiwada, Duke University, North Carolina, USA

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Effects on physiological function of aquatic life

Water quality for aquatic life

Effect on endocrine disrupting chemicals for reproduction in aquaculture

Quality Standards for Potable Water

Takako Aizawa, National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Development of national standards using WHODWQG

Chemical and acceptability aspects

Microbiological aspects

Analysis of Disinfections

Masanori Ando, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Chlorine in water

Storage system and chlorinator

Alternative methods of disinfection

Comparison of disinfection process

Disinfectant and Disinfectant By-Products

Takako Aizawa, National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan

Mari Asami, National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Disinfection and disinfectants

Disinfection by-products, DBPs

Control of DBPs

Water Quality and Disinfection

Takako Aizawa, National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan

Masanori Ando, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Mari Asami, National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Quality standards for potable water

Analysis of disinfection

Disinfection by-products and their safety

Health Problems and Their Resolution

Yasumoto Magara, Naoyuki Funamizu, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Shosaku Kashiwada, Duke University, North Carolina, USA

Mitsugu Saito, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Tokyo, Japan

Sombo T. Yamamura, The United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

Katsuyoshi Tomono, Tokyo Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Japan

Constrains to improving water and sanitation services

Health implications of some major water development projects

Reclaimed water and health issues

Aquaculture water reuse and health

Worldwide Access to Sanitation Services

Mitsugu Saito, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Historical review of human excreta handling

Objectives of sanitation services

Appropriate technology on sanitation service

Classification of sanitation facilities

Sanitation promotion

Future prospects

Constraints to Improving Water and Sanitation Services

Sombo T. Yamamura, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Kobe, Japan

Mitsugu Saito, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Assessment of water supply and sanitation improvement throughout the world

Major problems of the sustainable development

Social aspects of water supply and sanitatio

Major initiatives aiming at water supply and sanitation improvemen

Health Implications of Some Major Water Development Projects

Katsuyoshi Tomono, Tokyo Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Health implication of water supply programs in general

Several aspects for health implication

Water supply development project in Phnom Penh

State project of on-site wastewater management in Japan

Expected Reduction in Morbidity from Improved Water Supply and Sanitation

Takuro Endo, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Emergent and re-emergent waterborne diseases caused by Cryptosporidium and Giardia

Watersheds as nature's boundaries for surface water supplies

Human settlements, outdoor recreation, etc.

Risk management of waterborne diseases

Lessons learnt from the development of safe water supply and sanitation

Arsenic Groundwater Contamination

Tasuku Kamei and Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Scale of the problem

Chemical characteristics, species, and toxicity of arsenic

Sources of arsenic contamination

Human health effects of ingested arsenic

Determination of the arsenic compounds

Technologies for arsenic removal

On-going arsenic mitigation activities in Bangladesh

Future needs of study and action

Design of Water Treatment Facilities

Katsuyoshi Tomono, Tokyo Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Water source

Desired finished water quality

Skill of facility operators

Design criteria

Relative size of available funds

Alternative Sewage Disposal Systems

Katsuyoshi Tomono, Tokyo Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Selection of sewage treatment method

Design criteria for the individual treatment methods

Activated sludge process

Sludge preparation, drying and reduction

Anaerobic sludge digestion

Conjunctive Use of Water

Naoyuki Funamizu, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater

Wastewater reclamation/reuse

Pathogenic microorganisms

Disease incidence related to water reuse

Categories of wastewater reuse and its water quality criteria

Pathogen survival in wastewater treatment system and the environment

Development of Water Resources

Tasuku Kamei, Hokkaido University, Japan

Katsuyoshi Tomono, Tokyo Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Naoyuki Funamizu, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japa

Takuro Endo,National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Japan

Water source management and consideration

Water and wastewater treatment applications

Conjunctive use of water and safety issues

Environmental and Health Aspects of Water Supply and Sanitation

Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Sustainable development of environmental health

Health problems and their resolution

Quality standards for drinking water

Water quality consideration in various water uses

Design and operation of water treatment and sanitation facilities