History, Development and Management of Water Resources

Desware Contents | Sample Chapters

The History of Desalination Before Large-Scale Use

James D. Birkett, West Neck Strategies, Nobleboro, USA

The history of Science and technology

Desalination in Antiquity

The Middle ages & Spread of Islam

The age of discovery and exploration

The age of science and reason

The influence of the Industrial Revolution

From 1900 until World War II

From 1940 until the Mid 1950's

The Beginnings of Large-scale Use of Desalination


Summary of Desalination Methods Used in Common Practice

O.K. Buros, CH2M Hill International Ltd, Water Resources Division, Denver, USA



Reverse Osmosis

Other methods

Milestones in the Development of Multi-Stage Flash Desalination Plants Worldwide

N. McArthur, Port Glasgow Road, Kilmacolm, UK

Milestones in Desalination Technology

Specification of Key Desalination Plants

The Development on Multistage Flash Distillation

R.S. Silver, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

History of distillation by boiling

History of Flash distillation

Multi-stage Flash distillation

The importance of desalination and the contribution of MSF distillation

Steam Plant Aspects of Seawater Distillation

R.S. Silver, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

The need for desalination

Energy requirements for distillation

Distillation Flow sheets

Temperature range of distillation process

Types of MSF construction

Summing up general MSF Advances

Research and Development

Vapor Compression

Developments of MEB distillation

Desalination and Water Reuse in India - An Overview

Braj M. Misra and Himangshu K. Sadhukhan , Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India

Water needs and availability in India

Historical developments of R&D on desalination in India

Current status

Thermal desalination

Reverse osmosis desalination

Desalination/water reuse strategies

Nuclear desalination

Overview of the Desalination and Water Resources

Darwish Al-Gobaisi, International Centre for Water and Energy Systems, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Water and Life

Water on our Plane

Meeting the Challenges of Fresh Water Scarcity

Small Scale Desalination

Industrial Processes for Desalination

The Issue of Effluents from Desalination Systems

Energy and Water Critical Life Support Systems

Sustainable Development

Renewable Energy Base of the World- Solar Thermal Power and Solar Desalination

Industrial Ecology

Knowledge Resources for Capacity Building

Encyclopedia of Desalination and Water Resources (DESWARE)

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

Conservation of the Marshlands and Ecosystems of Southern Iraq by Supplementary Water Resources and Protection against Tidal Intrusion of Seawater

Adil Al Radif, 124 Markham, Ontario, L6C 1W1, Canada

Review of the Recent History and the Current Situation

Trend Analysis for the Years (1970-2050)

Energy and Water: Critical Life Support Systems

Desalination Technology: A Supplement Solution

New Water Storage Paradigm

Discussion: Challenges and Solutions

Other Considerations

Desalination Plants in Emirates of Abu Dhabi

Hanif Sultan, Water and Electricity Department, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Large MSF Desalination Plants in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Seawater Desalination By Large Multistage Flash Plants

D.M.K. Al-Gobaisi, International Centre for Water and Energy Systems Abu Dhabi, UAE

Large Scale Seawater Desalination in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Performance of the plants

Measurement and control

Modeling, simulation optimization and advanced automation

Case Study on Planning a Large Scale MSF Desalination Plant

Asghar Husain,International Centre for Water and Energy Systems, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Klaus Wangnick, Wangnick Consulting, GmbH, Germany

Adil Radif , Dhabi Enterprises Inc., Canada

Process aspects

Design aspects (including automation)

Material aspects and selection

Cost aspects

Environmental aspects

The proposed plant

Summary and Recommendations

Potable Water

S. Pagliara and D. Dazzini, University of Pisa, Italy

Potable Water Supply

Urban Water Use

Wastewater Impact

Water Science and Technology: History and Future

James Dooge, University College, Dublin, Ireland

The Ancient World

Medieval Europe

The High Renaissance

The Nineteenth Century

The Twentieth Century

The Future

Fresh Surface Water

J. C. I. Dooge, University College Dublin, Ireland

Liquid Water on Planet Earth

Availability of Fresh Water

Water Use and the Environment

Topics on Fresh Surface Water

Groundwater in Arid and SemiArid Regions

J.W. Lloyd, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK

Groundwater Recharge

Hydrogeological Domains

Groundwater resources understanding

Current and future groundwater supplies

The Hydrological Cycle and Human Impact on it

Lev S. Kuchment, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,Russia

The Terrestrial Hydrological Cycle

The Global Hydrological Cycle

Human Interaction with Land and Water:A Hydrologists Conception

Malin Falkenmark, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Sweden

Freshwater: Our Joint Lifeblood

Man and the Water Cycle

The Water Scarcity Syndrome

Overcoming the Sectorization Scourge

Challenge for the Future: Handling Complexity

Future Challenges of Providing High-Quality Water

Jo-Ansie van Wyk, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

Richard Meissner, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Hannatjie Jacobs, Independent Research Consultant, Uniedal, South Africa

Global and Regional Freshwater Resources

Emerging Global Patterns in the Provision of High Quality Water

Global Awareness of the Challenges of Providing High Quality Water

The Role of Global Governance Agencies in the Provision of High Quality Water

Increased Private Sector Involvement in the Provision of High Quality Water

The Role of Selected Global Social Movements

The Development and Expansion of International Law

Global Water Values

Water and International Security

The Use of Internet and Technology

Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources

Demographics, Water Availability and Demand

Solar Distillation

Gopal Nath Tiwari and Hriday Narayan Singh, Center of Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, India

Importance of Water

Water Pollution and its Effects

Principles of Solar Distillation: A State-of-the-Art

Classification of Solar Distillation Systems

Heat and Mass Transfer in Solar Distillation

Performance of Solar Still

Membrane Technology for Organic Removal in Wastewater

H.K. Shon, S. Vigneswaran and J. Kandasamy, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

J. Cho, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea

Overview of Membrane Technology

Comparison of Organic Removal by MF, UF, NF and RO