Process Instrumentation, Control and Automation

Desware Contents | Sample Chapters

Introduction to Process Control

Andreas Bunzemeier, Herbert Krause, ABB Utility Automation GmbH, Minden, Germany

Theoretical Background

Control theory in practice

Future development

Fundamentals of Control Theory

Andreas Bunzemeier, ABB Utility Automation GmbH, Minden, Germany

Lothar Litz , Institute for Process Automation, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Kinds of Control

Basic requirements on Control quality

Process Modeling

Types of Continous Controllers

Stability of Continuous Control Systems

Concepts of Control Design

Concepts Of Binary Control design

Process Control Systems

Andreas Bunzemeier, ABB Utility Automation GmbH, Minden, Germany

Lothar Litz, Institute for Process Automation, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Historical development

Functional aspects

Structural aspects

Environmental conditions

Engineering and documentation

Installation, commissioning and maintenance

Quality assurance and performance tests

Economic aspects of automation

Future trends in the field of process control

Control Valves Actuators

P. Muroni, Parcol, Genova, Italy

R. Borsani, Fisia Italimpianti,Genova, Italy

Pneumatic actuators

Oleodynamic (Electrohydraulic) actuators

Electric actuators

Selection of control actuator

Control Valve Positioner

P. Muroni, Parcol, Italy

R. Borsani, Fisia Italimpianti,Genova, Italy

Pneumatic Positioner Operation

Electropneumatic Positioner

Selection of Positioner

Use of Positioner

Availability Analysis of MSF Distillers Using Fault Tree Logic

R. Rautenbach and S. Schäfer, Institut fur Verfahrenstechnik Turmstraβe 46, Germany

Theoretical Approach to Availability of Process and Plant Equipment

Example of Water Shortage Scenario

Example of an Availability Study for Two MSF Distillers Using Fault Tree Logic

Data Collection of Failure Frequencies

Availability of Abu Dhabi Distillers

Fault Tree Analysis for Sub-systems of Existing MSF Distillers and Considerations for Future Design

Control Schemes of Cogenerating Power Plants For Desalination

J. Dastych, Pickhardt, H. Unbehauen, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Germany

Introduction to Combined Cycle Power Plants

Operation Modes for Steam Turbines

The Use of Cogeneration Power Plants for Desalination

Connecting of Power Plants and Desalination Plants

Fault Diagnosis using artificial intelligence in thermal Desalination Plants

N.J. Scenna, UTN-FRR Zeballos 1621-2000- Rosario, Argentina

E.E. Tarifa, UNJu, Gorriti 237-4600-San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

Model Based Approaches. Qualitative vs Quantitative Approaches

Process Modeling using Signed Directed Graphs (SDGs)

Diagnosis using SDGs

The Computational Implementation

A Diagnosis System for a MSF System

The Diagnosis System Performance

Fault Diagnosis in Chemical Processes its relation to Thermal Desalination Systems

E. Tarifa, UNJu, Gorriti 237-4600- San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

N.J. Scenna, UTN-FRR, Zeballos 1621-2000- Rosario, Argentina

Characteristics of a Diagnosis System

Different Approaches for Fault Diagnosis

Some Examples of Diagnosis Systems in Industry and in Desalination Processes

Automation and Control of Thermal Processes

Reinhard Leithner, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Thermal Processes

Structures and Technologies of Automation and Control Systems

Future Developments

Automation and Control of Electric Power Generation and Distribution Systems: Steam Turbines

Bennauer M., Egener E.-G., Schlehuber R., Werthes H. and Zimmer G., Siemens AG, PG, Mülheim, Germany

Functional Specifications

Turbine Controller Design

Future Developments

Combined Cycle and Combined Heat and Power Processes

Andrzej W. Ordys and Michael J. Grimble, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

İlhan Kocaarslan, Kirikkale University, Kirikkale,Turkey

Elements of Combined Cycle / Combined Heat and Power Processes

Typical CC/CHP Configurations

Operation of CC/CHP Plants

Automatic Control in CC/CHP Plants

Control Philosophy in Future Combined Cycle Power Plants

Fault Detection And Diagnostics Of Failures

V.V.Klyuev and V.N.Filinov, Moscow Scientific Industrial Association “Spectrum”, Moscow, Russia

Basic Concepts

Relationship between Diagnostics and Reliability

Diagnostics aspects at the Design Stage

Diagnostics at the Manufacturing Stage

Diagnostics at the Operation Stage

Diagnostics at the Repair and Storage Stages